Reframing Infidelity

Healing for Couples and Individuals with Betrayal Trauma

A 12-week live online course to re-empower your life,

see your experiences differently and make a quantum leap in your journey of healing.

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Meet your Facilitators

Carolee Beckham

What I thought would break me, did in fact do just that. It broke me wide open to emerge, the heroine of my own story. We all are on a quest to discover the deepest love within. And if we look at the catalysts as our greatest guides on this path, what comes from our depths can be pure magical transformation.

I truly know that our deepest wounds can be alchemized into our greatest gifts. I know this because I've lived it. It is my purpose to share this embodied truth with the world and to help others find their greatest story within.

Britton Beckham

I want to tell you that the journey of healing has been the greatest experience of my life. Healing doesn't have to be "all work", there is a lot of magic that unfolds all along the way!

Committing to your healing, at all costs, is the most important thing you can do with your life! It's a bold statement, I know, but I'm dead serious about it.

I'm honored to share my story of transforming the experience of infidelity into a thriving life of love, respect, trust and deep union with my beloved, Carolee. 🙏

Is Healing Possible?

It hard to imagine that healing is even possible when we are deep in betrayal trauma, looping experiences and PTSD symptoms. Betrayal of every kind has a massive impact on us emotionally and mentally... not to mention the toll it takes on our bodies and spirit.

Healing is possible. First, it takes a desire to step into the dark and begin the journey of healing through the unknown.

As a couple that has been down this path, we know from personal experience that you will come out of whatever your situation an empowered, awakened individual that is more connected to yourself, your life, and your relationships than you even thought possible.

How Do We Heal?

The core of all healing is about changing our perceptions of ourselves and disidentifying with the story (usually based around victimhood). We have to be willing to think differently about ourselves and the other in order to fully find inner peace. Healing is not only possible, it's the path that the Universe desires to lead us through as a fundamental part of our human experience.

Reframing Infidelity Online Program Overview

The intention of this course is to help individuals identify what infidelity is really about, what the inner story is so that a new belief pattern and understanding around it can be developed. Infidelity leaves a huge imprint emotionally, energetically, physically, and spiritually.

Understanding the roots to all of this can help one transcend through this potent healing, entirely transformed.

Couples and individuals that take this program will be given the tools to take their power back by rejecting victim mentality, stepping into their sovereignty, forgiving the other and self, and building a new agreement for the relationship.

We actively work on developing an awakened perspective on intimate relationships ourselves and will teach with wisdom from our lived experiences.

The course is divided into 3 different blocks, each 4-week block contains 3 modules and 1 integration/coaching call. This approach allows us to spread the program instructions over a longer period of time so that each block and module work can be integrated with ample time.

Module 1

(Block 1)

Taking your Power Back

Four keys to reframing victim mentality and disempowering beliefs

Module 2

(Block 1)

Committing to Integrity and Honesty

Clearing the ground for a new foundation of trust and authentic relating

Module 3

(Block 1)

Owning our Sovereignty and Releasing Co-Dependence

Find safety within your own beingness, then bring that to your relationships

Module 4

(Block 2)

Forgiveness, The Key to All Evolution

Forgiveness is not what you think, and it has to the power to fully set us free

Module 5

(Block 2)

Role Balancing

Taking ownership and opening the channels to communication is the pathway to balance

Module 6

(Block 2)

Exploring Sexual Expression - Part 1

Finding your freedom to express yourself and explore your pleasure is crucial to a fulfilling life

Module 7

(Block 3)

Exploring Sexual Expression - Part 2

Finding your freedom to express yourself and explore your pleasure is crucial to a fulfilling life

Module 8

(Block 3)

Creating a Container of Safety through Agreements

Reframe your idea of what a healthy partnership or marriage looks like

Module 9

(Block 3)

Using Sacred Sex to Heal and C0-Create

Not only is sex incredible, but it can also be the tool for healing and co-creating your reality

Note: Due to the nature of this program in its development phase, this itinerary is subject to change

An Overview of Our Healing Journey

As of September 5, 2024, we've been married for 15 years. We are parents to four children and are so incredibly in love. But our marriage has been anything but easy.

Over the course of our 15-year relationship, betrayal was more than just a one-time occurrence. We know that betrayal can come in various forms, because we’ve lived it.

In Spring of 2018 we hit an all-time low in our relationship and finally saw that we needed to give maximum priority to our individual healing.

We began couples therapy and individual therapy. This was just the beginning of a deep dive into our emotional health exploration. The pattern of behavior had to be fully and consciously confronted in order to be healed.

From 2020 onward, healing has been our way of life. We’ve been on a journey to free ourselves from our own enslavement and this course is a complete distillation of our lived wisdom.

Britton and I have completely transformed our relationship with each other and most importantly our relationship with our own selves.

Infidelity is a rampant and widespread problem in modern society but is still often judged and very taboo to talk about. It is our intention to turn that upside down so that couples can turn these deep wounds into the gateway of their freedom.

A Quick Look at Our Transformation over 5 years

  • Leaving entrenched organized religion to pursue our individual spiritual paths

  • Deep healing around co-dependence in our relationship

  • Healing co-dependence with parents and family (this is highly related to the partnership dynamic)

  • Deep healing around patriarchy and its grip upon the divine feminine and masculine

  • Deep healing on spiritual perceptions around what is right and what is wrong (cultural morality)

  • Deep healing around patterns of infidelity, self-love, and betrayal trauma

  • Deep healing in personal sovereignty

  • Dissolving our marriage and rebuilding our relationship on our terms, with new agreements

  • Deep healing and re-education around sexual expression, sexual freedom, and embodiment

  • Extensive reprogramming around manifestation work, ritual and spiritual practices and their meaning

  • Leaving the 9-5 work structure, stepping into deeper unknowns and greater levels of freedom

  • Healing our perceptions around how to raise our children with our new awarenesses

  • Eventually selling our home and everything we own to begin a soul pilgrimage that led our family around the world

  • Reprogramming around what marriage and partnership is really about

  • A commitment to the path of divine union

  • Co-creating our reality with Life as we surrender

This program will greatly challenge core beliefs and give every individual the tools to transmute betrayal experiences into embodied wisdom. You will come out of this program a new person, and you will have a completely different perspective on your life. We have lived this story so that we can help others to do the same.

(Or continue scrolling for more awesome pics and information.)

Healing is About Awakening

Your healing path is your awakening path. They are one and the same. As you heal your perceptions about yourself, the way you see your reality around you will automatically change... why? Because it's all connected!

How we think and feel about ourselves is recreated outside of us so that we can experience who we believe we are. Thus, as we heal those beliefs, reset our nervous system, and disidentify with our past, we become a new creature. What we are doing is walking down the pathway of transformation. It's a continual process of rebirth. Your healing takes you into the new you!

The new you is awakened, empowered again with life's blissful energy. You recognize your total personal authority over your life and step into a more sovereign way of living.

But like a sales pitch, THAT'S NOT ALL! 🤣

With your renewed vigor and love for your own life, you begin to attract all the things that you ever dreamed of, and more. You begin living in full synchronicity with life and the Creator.

The Benefits are Real!

  • High level of emotional freedom and intelligence

  • New foundation of trust in self

  • Strong foundation of inner security

  • Deeply fulfilling partnership

  • Renewed family relationships

  • Deeper connection with your children

  • Embodied lovemaking

  • New levels of self-empowerment

  • Re-established trust in the Universe

  • Greater awareness of Self

  • Baseline of confident living

  • Baseline of joy and gratitude for life

  • Enriched connection to God/Source/Universe

  • Release of somatic trauma of betrayal

  • Awakening to your own inner purpose

  • Authentic happiness

  • Formation of healthy and secure attachments

  • Tools to process your emotions healthily

  • It keeps going...

The Healed Feminine

I wake every morning, naked

Next to my lover

His body holding mine

I’m held in the most comfort I’ve ever experienced

Held so deeply by a man

Who has fought so hard to love me

He can finally hold me

Because I can hold myself

He rises daily to be my king

I rise to be his queen

One look, I flower

One touch, I cave

One kiss, we stay in bed all morning

All I crave is this bed and his body

When his breath is in my field

Any discomforts I feel

All alchemize into bliss

I close my eyes and there lives the linger of his kiss

It’s been a quest

Of epic proportions

To arrive at this place

That we’ve journeyed to discover

Deep within, like a dragons cave

The cavern of both of our hearts

Brought together, our own universe created

I am held always in cosmic love

Dear Fellow Journeyer,

I used to feel fear around my relationship. I used to judge every woman who wanted to be my husband’s friend. I used to feel fear about the world at large. I didn’t trust in the universe to protect me and keep me safe. And now I feel such grounded presence about my relationship.

I am safe in a partnership where there was no safety before. I am embodied in ways I never was before. I’m living my dream life and I have nothing to hide. It’s so liberating to live freely and honestly.

I still find irritations, I still have difficulties, I still struggle. But my love relationship is a source of the purest and deepest connection possible now.

Instead of it being the very thing that brought me to my depths, it’s now the very tool for my greatest happiness and presence in my life. Healing looks like a total transformation of the self and inner freedom from the emotional charges that hold so tightly onto us.

❤️‍🔥— Carolee

The Healed Masculine

Unhealed, I was weak, untrusting, unable to trust myself. I ran from my emotions, not just because I didn't want to feel them or "deal" with them, but I had no understanding of how to do so. I was two different people, two totally different minds occupying the same body space. I hated myself, for so many reasons.

I didn't understand what was going on inside me. I was finding myself in situations jeopardizing all that I cared about most. Why?

Unhealed, the masculine creates chaos. He becomes the destroyer of his own life. The Universe must give him the experience of his raw unconscious creations in order for the pathway of liberation to be revealed.

The only way out was through sitting. Sitting in deep humility about my choices; in deep curiosity about what drove them; in deep love seeking forgiveness from my own self. I had to turn back at myself and get to know the true me, the person I had avoided most.

To The Men and Women on this Journey,

I sit and listen, I hold enormous space for her, for her expressions, for her emotions, for her body. I behold her.

I despised her, yet all I can do now is adore her. My entire heart has been handed over to her. I trust her deeply, because I finally trust myself. Her and I are one, we have become entangled, healthily, consciously, with purpose.

I wanted her to experience her deeply, fully, openly, unrestrained and unprotected. I now know her. She is my Queen, and I, her King. We see each other, we honor each other, we are in rapture, enraptured. Our union is our life together, it is sacred, beautiful, glorious.

I am truly in love. I chose into this place, it did not happen to me, it happened because of me.

Being healed is a reflection of the inner work done. In the deep inner dimensions of one's being lies all the answers. I have sought fiercely for the answers. All is now understood through the perceptions of the heart.


Chances are... if you're reading this, the Universe has brought you here. Consider that at this time in your life you are a match to this healing work.

Join us for a 12-week transformational journey of reframing the mind around the effects of infidelity in your relationship


  • 12 Weeks | 9 modules + 3 coaching sessions

  • 2-4 week break between blocks

  • Pace a block at a time w/no obligation

12 Session Program Value: $2,222



$777 per Block

Due to this being our program development phase, we are reviewing applicants for fit.


  • 12 Weeks | 9 modules + 3 coaching sessions

  • 2-4 week break between blocks

  • Pace a block at a time w/no obligation

12 Session Program Value: $3,333



$1,111 per Block

Due to this being our program development phase, we are reviewing applicants for fit.

Program FAQ

Is this a recorded or live course?

This is a live online course. You'll be meeting virtually with Britton and Carolee and other block registrants. The sessions will be recorded for your personal review only.

Can I do the program if I'm no longer partnered or have a new partner?

Yes! This program isn't designed just for couples. Any person who has undergone the experiences of betrayal, whether you were the one in violation or were violated, it is designed to re-empower you! It is equally useful and impactful to both sides of a betrayal experience.

How long is the program?

The program is 12 weeks divided into 3 blocks. Each block is 4 weeks, which includes 3 modules of transmission and one coaching call. You can move through the program a block at a time, moving forward when it feels right, or commit to the entire program and complete it in 4-6 months.

Do me and my partner need to do the program together?

We do understand that not everyone is ready to take on this type of deep healing work, and not every relationship is at the same vibration. This program is designed to heal individuals and relationships. While not required, it is highly recommended, if still partnered, the two of you take the program together. It is much more effective to have both of you doing the healing work simultaneously.

What payment options are available?

We take virtual payment through Venmo and PayPal, or bank wire. You can pay in full, or we have a 3-installment payment plan.

How much time commitment should I expect?

We get it, you might feel busy. Truth is, if you honestly knew the feeling of being whole again (which you've actually only forgotten), you wouldn't be asking about the time commitment, yet here we are. The sessions will last around 180 minutes, and there will be integration practices to do between sessions. A relatively good estimate is 4-6 hours per module week.

Still Have Questions?

We get it! We understand the load that a decision like this feels inside. That's why we want you to know firstly, we'd love to have a personal conversation with you if you have questions or concerns.

Secondly, this decision is about choosing you. For partnerships, it's about choosing your individual self FIRST, then the relationship. Your journey of healing will give you the greatest opportunities at what life has to offer. This we are convinced of.

We'd love to chat. Request a 20-minute discovery call with us to ask questions and feel it out.

Let's Connect!

Open up a channel to communicate with us by sending a message, or make a request for a discovery call from the form above.

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